Holders of Long-Term Irish Government Bonds
Financial Markets & Interest RatesThis dataset details monthly holdings by sector of all Irish Government bonds that have a maturity of greater than one year. -
Official External Reserves
Our Central Bank StatisticsThe Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special... -
Monthly Card Payment Statistics
Payment StatisticsThe monthly card payment statistics provide data in relation to credit and debit card transactions undertaken by Irish resident households. The data includes the monthly value... -
Money and Banking Statistics
Money, Credit & BankingThe Money and Banking Statistics contain data on the liabilities and assets of within-the-State offices of credit institutions. These data are further broken down by... -
Gross National Debt
Macroeconomic & Sectoral StatisticsThe table relates to Gross National Debt (GND) only, providing a breakdown of the outstanding debt amounts into euro-denominated and non-euro denominated debt items as well as a... -
New Mortgage Lending Statistics
Money, Credit & BankingThese data relate to new mortgage lending on residential property in Ireland on an annual basis. Data relates to those institutions [(banks and non-bank mortgage lenders)] who... -
Quarterly Financial Accounts
Macroeconomic & Sectoral StatisticsThe Quarterly Financial Accounts (QFA) present a complete and consistent set of quarterly financial data for all sectors of the Irish economy. They provide comprehensive... -
Securities Issues Statistics
Financial Markets & Interest RatesThis dataset provides a sectoral breakdown of all securities issuances of equity or debt by Irish resident entities. Data is published on a monthly basis and shows the trends... -
Template on International Reserves
Our Central Bank StatisticsThe data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and... -
Irish Securities Holdings by Sector
Financial Markets & Interest RatesThis dataset provides information on the holdings of all sectors – including Irish households – by counterparty (issuer) country and sector and the currency of denomination. The... -
Data Repository SFCR Template Information
Financial CorporationsAll insurance and reinsurance undertakings are required to disclose publicly their Solvency and Financial Condition Report Data (SFCR), in accordance with (and pursuant to)... -
Irish Insurance Corporations Balance Sheet
Financial CorporationsBalance sheet (assets and liabilities) data for insurance corporations resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S128). S128 consists of financial corporations that principally... -
Irish Pension Funds Balance Sheet
Financial CorporationsBalance sheet (assets and liabilities) data for pension funds resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S129). S129 consists of financial corporations that principally engage in... -
Retail Interest Rates - Deposits, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTables B.1.1 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding deposits from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions... -
Retail Interest Rates - Loans, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.1.2 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding loans from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions resident in... -
Retail Interest Rates and Volumes - Loans and Deposits, New Business
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.2.1 provides monthly data on new euro-denominated deposit and loan agreements between euro area households or NFCs and credit institutions resident in Ireland. -
Retail Interest Rates and Volumes - Renegotiated Loans
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.2.2 presents monthly data on euro-denominated renegotiated loans to euro area households and NFCs, by Irish resident credit institutions. Renegotiated loans refer to new... -
Irish Special Purpose Entities
Financial CorporationsComprehensive information is collected on Irish-resident special purpose entities engaged in securitisation activity. The data details stock and transactions on a quarterly... -
Irish Resident Investment Funds Statistics
Financial CorporationsComprehensive information is collected and published, quarterly on all Irish-resident investment funds. The main dataset details stock and transactions, with information on the... -
Irish Resident Investment Funds Issues and Redemptions by Geography
Financial CorporationsDataset provides a detailed quarterly geographical breakdown of the holders of equity in Irish Investment Funds and the net issues of the fund share/units of the funds.