Retail Interest Rates - Deposits, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTables B.1.1 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding deposits from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions... -
Retail Interest Rates - Loans, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.1.2 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding loans from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions resident in... -
Retail Interest Rates and Volumes - Loans and Deposits, New Business
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.2.1 provides monthly data on new euro-denominated deposit and loan agreements between euro area households or NFCs and credit institutions resident in Ireland. -
Retail Interest Rates and Volumes - Renegotiated Loans
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.2.2 presents monthly data on euro-denominated renegotiated loans to euro area households and NFCs, by Irish resident credit institutions. Renegotiated loans refer to new...