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On 6 February 2024 at 10:11:04 UTC, Gravatar admin:
  • Changed title to Pension Funds Balance Sheet (previously Pension Fund Balance Sheet Data)

  • Removed the following tags from Pension Funds Balance Sheet

  • Added the following tags to Pension Funds Balance Sheet

  • Changed the licence of Pension Funds Balance Sheet to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (previously )

  • Moved Pension Funds Balance Sheet from to

  • Changed value of field notes_translated to {'en': 'Balance sheet (assets and liabilities) data for pension funds resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S129).\r\n\r\nS129 consists of financial corporations that principally engage in financial intermediation as a consequence of pooling social risks and providing for income in retirement.\r\n\r\nIn Ireland a pension fund is an autonomous occupational pension scheme established under trust. S129 does not include social security funds, pension funds which are included in the general government sector (S13) or non-autonomous pension funds. \r\n\r\nS129 does not include insurance corporation entities (S128). Insurance corporations may provide insurance to the pension fund sector or pension entitlements directly to the household sector (S14) (e.g. Pillar 3).\r\n\r\nThis dataset is produced under regulation ECB/2018/2. The accounting for assets and current liabilities are in general market valuation (except where noted as nominal value). Technical reserves are valued on an accounting standard basis. Defined benefit technical reserves and net worth are reported on an annual basis (at year end), values for other quarters are estimated and subject to revision on receipt of latest annual data. Annexes I and II of ECB/2018/2 provide further information on the data.', 'ga': 'Balance sheet (assets and liabilities) data for pension funds resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S129).\r\n\r\nS129 consists of financial corporations that principally engage in financial intermediation as a consequence of pooling social risks and providing for income in retirement.\r\n\r\nIn Ireland a pension fund is an autonomous occupational pension scheme established under trust. S129 does not include social security funds, pension funds which are included in the general government sector (S13) or non-autonomous pension funds. \r\n\r\nS129 does not include insurance corporation entities (S128). Insurance corporations may provide insurance to the pension fund sector or pension entitlements directly to the household sector (S14) (e.g. Pillar 3).\r\n\r\nThis dataset is produced under regulation ECB/2018/2. The accounting for assets and current liabilities are in general market valuation (except where noted as nominal value). Technical reserves are valued on an accounting standard basis. Defined benefit technical reserves and net worth are reported on an annual basis (at year end), values for other quarters are estimated and subject to revision on receipt of latest annual data. Annexes I and II of ECB/2018/2 provide further information on the data.'} in Pension Funds Balance Sheet

  • Changed value of field last_approved_activity_id to 4a39ec21-c84e-456e-8b97-757df06f7905 in Pension Funds Balance Sheet

  • Changed value of field title_translated to {'en': 'Pension Funds Balance Sheet', 'ga': 'Pension Funds Balance Sheet'} in Pension Funds Balance Sheet