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On 31 January 2024 at 11:32:54 UTC, Gravatar admin:
  • Changed the licence of Official External Reserves to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (previously CC-BY-4.0)

  • Changed value of field last_approved_activity_id to 90c57d37-5aff-45b2-8d12-e3c12503a727 in Official External Reserves

  • Changed value of field title_translated to {'en': 'Official External Reserves', 'ga': 'Official External Reserves'} in Official External Reserves

  • Changed value of field notes_translated to {'en': 'The Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special Drawing Rights, reserve position in the IMF, foreign exchange and other claims. Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro).', 'ga': 'The Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special Drawing Rights, reserve position in the IMF, foreign exchange and other claims. Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro).'} in Official External Reserves

  • Removed the following fields from resource Official External Reserves in Official External Reserves

      type preview preview_rows total_record_count