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On 13 December 2023 at 14:17:29 UTC, Gravatar admin:
  • Changed value of field contact_email to in Irish Special Purpose Entities

  • Changed value of field last_approved_activity_id to a90ae11e-7b1a-44a5-8967-e27c99ef7f5b in Irish Special Purpose Entities

  • Changed value of field title_translated to {'en': 'Irish Special Purpose Entities', 'ga': 'Irish Special Purpose Entities'} in Irish Special Purpose Entities

  • Changed value of field notes_translated to {'en': 'Comprehensive information is collected on Irish-resident special purpose entities engaged in securitisation activity. The data details stock and transactions on a quarterly basis, with information on the scale, composition, geographical and sectoral exposures of vehicles’ assets and liabilities. This data is transmitted to the Central Statistics Office and the European Central Bank to feed into Irish and euro area balance of payments and national accounts statistics. The data also feeds the measurement of shadow banking based on Financial Stability Board definitions.', 'ga': 'Comprehensive information is collected on Irish-resident special purpose entities engaged in securitisation activity. The data details stock and transactions on a quarterly basis, with information on the scale, composition, geographical and sectoral exposures of vehicles’ assets and liabilities. This data is transmitted to the Central Statistics Office and the European Central Bank to feed into Irish and euro area balance of payments and national accounts statistics. The data also feeds the measurement of shadow banking based on Financial Stability Board definitions.'} in Irish Special Purpose Entities

  • Uploaded a new file to resource SPEData.csv in Irish Special Purpose Entities

  • Added the following fields to resource SPEData.csv in Irish Special Purpose Entities

      api_type with value notes with value api_access_url with value

  • Removed the following fields from resource SPEData.csv in Irish Special Purpose Entities

      preview_rows preview total_record_count type