35 datasets found

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  • NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Premiums

    This file contains premium data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). Premiums and policy numbers are presented on a “written” and “earned”...
  • NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Income and Expenditure

    This file contains income and expenditure data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). To view the detailed NCID report kindly refer to the...
  • NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Ultimate Claims

    This file contains ultimate claims data taken from the private motor National Claims Iinformation Database (NCID). The claims are grouped together by accident year, the year in...
  • NCID Liability Insurance Data – Claim Settlements

    This file contains settled claims data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To...
  • NCID Liability Insurance Data - Premium

    This file contains premium data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To view...
  • NCID Liability Insurance Data - Ultimate Claims

    This file contains ultimate claims data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To...
  • NCID Private Motor Insurance Data – Claim Settlements

    This file contains settled claim data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). The number of claimants and the aggregate cost of settling their...
  • Irish Insurance Corporations Premiums and Claims

    Premiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses data for insurance corporations resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S128). S128 consists of financial corporations...
  • Irish Pension Funds Membership

    Membership data for pension funds resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S129). S129 consists of financial corporations that principally engage in financial intermediation as a...
  • Quarterly Financial Accounts

    The Quarterly Financial Accounts (QFA) present a complete and consistent set of quarterly financial data for all sectors of the Irish economy. They provide comprehensive...
  • Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossession Statistics

    The Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions Statistics detail quarterly developments in the number and value of mortgages in arrears, restructured mortgages, in legal...
  • Official and Selected Interest Rates

    Table B.3 presents the Eurosystem Official Interest Rates, Interbank Market and the Irish Clearing Banks' Prime Rates
  • Retail Interest Rates - Mortgage Rates

    Table B.3.1 presents quarterly mortgage rate data specific to the Irish market. These data include all euro and non-euro denominated mortgage lending in the Republic of Ireland...
  • Payment Statistics Quarterly

    Payment Statistics Quarterly is reported by payment service providers, it records non-cash payments by non-monetary financial institutions which include Credit Transfers,...
  • Gross National Debt

    The table relates to Gross National Debt (GND) only, providing a breakdown of the outstanding debt amounts into euro-denominated and non-euro denominated debt items as well as a...
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