Credit Card Statistics
Payment StatisticsThe Credit Card Statistics provide data in relation to monthly credit card transactions. A breakdown of the number of credit cards issued to Irish residents is also provided. -
Card Payments
Payment StatisticsCard Payments by Irish Households. The Credit and Debit Card Statistics provide data in relation to credit and debit card transactions, including a sectoral breakdown of... -
Daily Credit and Debit Card Statistics
Payment StatisticsDaily Card Payments by Irish Households. A subset of the monthly Card Payment Statistics. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic created the need for timely, high-frequency data,... -
Payment Statistics Annual
Payment StatisticsPayment statistics presents information on payment transactions between Irish resident payment service providers and non-MFIs (monetary financial institutions) . The data... -
NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Premiums
Financial CorporationsThis file contains premium data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). Premiums and policy numbers are presented on a “written” and “earned”... -
NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Income and Expenditure
Financial CorporationsThis file contains income and expenditure data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). To view the detailed NCID report kindly refer to the... -
NCID Private Motor Insurance Data - Ultimate Claims
Financial CorporationsThis file contains ultimate claims data taken from the private motor National Claims Iinformation Database (NCID). The claims are grouped together by accident year, the year in... -
NCID Liability Insurance Data – Claim Settlements
Financial CorporationsThis file contains settled claims data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To... -
NCID Liability Insurance Data - Premium
Financial CorporationsThis file contains premium data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To view... -
NCID Liability Insurance Data - Ultimate Claims
Financial CorporationsThis file contains ultimate claims data taken from the Employers’ Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property data in the National Claims Information Database (NCID). To... -
NCID Private Motor Insurance Data – Claim Settlements
Financial CorporationsThis file contains settled claim data taken from the private motor National Claims Information Database (NCID). The number of claimants and the aggregate cost of settling their... -
Irish Insurance Corporations Premiums and Claims
Financial CorporationsPremiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses data for insurance corporations resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S128). S128 consists of financial corporations... -
Irish Pension Funds Membership
Financial CorporationsMembership data for pension funds resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S129). S129 consists of financial corporations that principally engage in financial intermediation as a... -
Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossession Statistics
Financial Markets & Interest RatesThe Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions Statistics detail quarterly developments in the number and value of mortgages in arrears, restructured mortgages, in legal... -
Official and Selected Interest Rates
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.3 presents the Eurosystem Official Interest Rates, Interbank Market and the Irish Clearing Banks' Prime Rates -
Retail Interest Rates - Mortgage Rates
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.3.1 presents quarterly mortgage rate data specific to the Irish market. These data include all euro and non-euro denominated mortgage lending in the Republic of Ireland... -
Payment Statistics Quarterly
Payment StatisticsPayment Statistics Quarterly is reported by payment service providers, it records non-cash payments by non-monetary financial institutions which include Credit Transfers,...